1.  But the rich will always be better at hiding from the tax collector than the poor.

2.  Girls who were exposed to male hormones in the womb are better at spatial tasks.

3.  Good readers tend to be better at spelling than other children.

4.  James was a fast learner, and was soon better at tennis than his coach.

5.  Lexical lookup is more demanding of storage and processing but is better at rejecting unacceptable letter strings.

6.  Male meadow voles have bigger hippocampi than females and are better at finding and remembering their way through mazes.

7.  Men are better at some sports because of their greater physical strength.

8.  Newborn infants are also better at hearing subtle differences, compared with adults.

9.  Nor should we think that the situation is better at secondary level.

10.  Of course, I had reached the same conclusions but he was always better at presenting the facts.

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